Haejin Art, as created by Aarav, has been reaching thousands of online readers each month since 2017. His content has been featured on sites such as Dr Oz, Psychology Today, and Times Magazine. If you are interested in contacting him regarding partnership opportunities, please reach out to him through the contact page.
Recent Stats:
Monthly page views: 355K
Facebook followers: 21K
Pinterest followers: 89K
Instagram followers: 112K
Email subscribers: 23K
Haejin Art now offers sponsored posts for promoting your website, book, or product. The core packages are outlined below; however, we are open to discuss a tailored package that best fits your needs.
Quality package: Sponsored post on website
Exclusive package: Sponsored post on site + Social media shares to Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram
Premium package: Exclusive package + dedicated email newsletter
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact us. We look forward to working with you!